What fits in a 15 yd dumpster?

The standard dimensions of the 15 yard dumpster are 16 feet long x 7.5 feet wide x 4.5 feet high. This size typically contains up to 15 cubic yards of debris, or about 80 to 100 contractor-sized 33-gallon garbage bags. This is a medium sized container and fits comfortably in most entrances. A 15-yard container is ideal for small to medium sized residential and commercial jobs with bulkier materials.

It can be adapted to projects such as remodeling a bedroom, cleaning the basement or cleaning the community. Homeowners, contractors, businesses, real estate agents, churches and other organizations across the country turn to dumpsters the next day for their dumpster rental needs. We understand that every situation is different and requires containers of different sizes. That's why we offer a variety of rolling containers ranging in size from 10 yards to 30 yards.

We also have a limited number of 40-yard rolling bins for general waste and specific containers for concrete, soil and recyclables. Please note that the dimensions listed above are approximate and may vary by location.

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